Every month I make 10 goals, usually more, but at least 10 goals that I want to make sure get accomplished for the month. So we are already 1 week into October and I am late sharing but here are a few of my goals for this month. It’s always my goal to do better and writing down my goals and putting things on my calendar help me to do that.

1. Weekly facial- Steam/Scrub/Mask/Treatments for me.

2. Sell/Donate remaining daycare items.

3. Sell/Donate car, stove and other furniture.

4. Weekly Date Day/Night with Husband.

5. Apple Picking/Circus with kids.

6. Fall Family Photos.

7. Host Domestic Violence Run.

8. Add Running Twice a week to workout and add 1-2 miles per week.

9. Set up Fundraisers for a few organizations.

10. Daily Bible reading and Personal Development.

I know some things on this list may not really seem like huge goals but the way my life is, if I don’t physically put it on the calendar, time tries to get away from us real fast. We are already 1 week into October. 2 things on the list require me getting rid of things in the house which will help declutter things. But, those 2 things (selling/donating items) are probably going to take the longest and most energy to get done. We will see. Well that and adding 2 miles per week to my runs. In addition to my workouts, I ran 2 days this week for about an hour and have been physically out of it. Energy gone. All I want to do is lay down and sleep.

For everything else, I have been able to mentally put a plan of action in place and now its time to get them done and check them off the list!

What are your goals for the month?