This week is officially my First Week retiring from my job as a Home Day Care Provider. (More on that in another post) It’s our kids first week out of school and it’s officially summer-The temps will catch up!

One thing has been on my mind for the summer is getting my family back to healthier habits.  The last 2 years haven’t been that awesome and I really feel good when I know that we are making good choices regarding our diet, water intake and how much we move everyday. Really really looking forward to us making strides together as a family in those areas. So Im back to meal planning for myself and for them.

My children are a bit older now, so  a lot of snacks and even meals they prepare for themselves. I just need to make sure they have great options available to them. We are also going back to Meatless Mondays for the Summer although we may switch it to Wednesdays some weeks.  I am also working to lose 12 pounds by the end of July (down about 4 right now) so it’s important for me to stick to a plan. This plan includes recipes using a new protein shake called Espira which is completely plant based.  I did not include on this mealplan my goal of 70-80 oz of water daily, Warm Lemon Water each morning, Green Tea and other supplements to help increase metabolism and curb hunger. I will include those in another post. For Espira Recipes, click here.

Here is my mealplan for this first full week of summer! Hope it helps you!