Balancing Act.

In my efforts to learn how to smile again and enjoy life again without feeling guilty, I have had to figure out what helps me to feel in control. Control in the sense that I can feel how I feel but still manage my life, business and relationships.

I have some crazy moments where I feel Okay 1 second but at the same time, I also feel like I’m 2 seconds away from a breakdown. And, Im ok with having those moments, as long as I can maintain balance and control. That’s pretty important to me.

There are a tons of things that I do and avoid doing and some are for an entirely different list. 🙂 Here are a few things I do, to help me maintain BALANCE. Because it’s all really a balancing act.

  1. Breathing Deeply. I take some time to take deep, slow breathing. It increases the flow of oxygen to the body and promotes calmness overall. I may put on some soothing sounds or music to help calm me while breathing deeply.
  2. Positive Self Talk. I change my internal tone to a more positive one. I remind myself that I’m doing my best and that I am in charge of how I feel. That it’s ok to feel whatever I feel in that moment.
  3. Acceptance. Accept that some things I cannot change and put energy and focus on the things that I can change. No matter how much I may love a person, I cannot change how they act, how they speak and how they live. My energy is best used improving and working on what I can control.
  4. Responses and Reactions. I do not have to lash out angrily on others. I can still be pretty nice and thoughtful to others despite what I may be going through. Some people only love themselves. I make it an aim to love first. In that way, I am dealing with those I love lovingly.
  5. Generate Positive Emotions. Look for the good in a situation. I remember a funny or happy memory with my family and friends and sometimes it makes me laugh to myself. Those good feelings help me to be more balanced.
  6. Get Some Fresh Air. Going for a walk or taking my work outdoors helps me to feel more refreshed. Feeling the sun’s rays and the breeze gives me a sense of calm where I can think better. Even when I can’t get out, opening the blinds or the window helps some fresh air get in.
  7. Help Others. More happiness in giving than in receiving… Yes. Helping someone in their time of needs helps me to spend less time dwelling on my problems. I help them but it also helps me. I feel accomplished versus defeated or helpless.
  8. Pray and Meditate. I take time to pray, reflect and meditate on my blessings and Bible verses. As I absorb what I read, I am able to more clearly handle anxieties. Praying connects me to the Creator and also provides me with a release of tension, a sense of calmness, and relief throughout the body.
