Domestic Violence is a complex issue. It is an issue that is not talked about enough. We each have to do our part to create a community where Domestic Abuse does not thrive. Here are 5 things to know right now.

Domestic Violence Affects All
  1. Domestic Abuse is driven by dynamics of gaining and maintaining Power and Control over one’s intimate partner. The abuser didn’t just “lose control.” The abuser uses abusive behaviors to “Gain Control” the victim.
  2. Domestic Abuse is not just a PHYSICAL beating. Domestic abuse also includes Financial/Economic Abuse, Verbal, Emotional, Controlling Behavior, and Sexual Abuse.
  3. Domestic Abuse is not a “Woman’s Issue.” Any person can be a victim of abuse. Domestic Abuse is in every community and affects all ages, genders, races, sexualities, religions, economic status, education levels etc.
  4. More than 1 in 3 Women and 1 in 4 Men have experienced Domestic Violence in their lifetime. Many cases go underreported.
  5. Leaving an Abusive Relationship can often put a survivor in the most Danger. Many who attempt to leave are stalked, harrassed, threatened and even murdered.